November 16, 2019 + Tarot/Oracle/Divination
Magic with Tarot: The Two-Card Spell
Magic is largely a matter of intention, will, and practice. A lot of people, when they just start out with Wicca or as an eclectic practitioner, spend a lot of time practicing spells. Often people are drawn to wicca because they want to create massive change in their lives or they’re finding a new sense of power after being raised in a religion or… Read More

October 15, 2019 + Ritual Work
Tools of the Trade: The Athame
An athame (pronounced A-thayme) is a ceremonial knife, usually associated with the element of fire. It’s used to direct energy; a lot of people use it to cast a circle for ritual. They tend to be black and double-edged, but as with everything in your choice of tools your own preference is an important factor. Here, we’re showing you an athame made out of… Read More

September 24, 2019 + Sabbats and Esbats
Mabon and the Autumn Equinox
Happy Mabon! Today is the pagan sabbat Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, where the days start getting shorter and the nights longer. This is the second harvest, a time to reflect and celebrate before we head into the season of Samhain. Take the time to soak in some sun! This is a good time to take stock of what you need to keep you healthy… Read More

September 23, 2019 + Sabbats and Esbats
Mabon and the Autumn Equinox
Happy Mabon! Today is the pagan sabbat Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, where the days start getting shorter and the nights longer. This is the second harvest, a time to reflect and celebrate before we head into the season of Samhain. Take the time to soak in some sun! This is a good time to take stock of what you need to keep you healthy… Read More

September 17, 2019 + Elemental Work
Fire Magic
Fire Magic is a great “entry level” way to get into spells for new practitioners because, well, candles. Most people enjoy candles and they’re easy to find these days in all sorts of colors and sizes. Candles make it really easy to do fire magic in a safe, confined way. The main consideration with candles is whether you want to burn your candle to… Read More

September 16, 2019 + General
Boundaries and Protection
Let’s talk about boundaries and protection. Many people turn to witchcraft because they want to take control of their lives and feel powerful. These are great goals, but keep in mind that when it comes down to taking care of yourself, the romance and attraction of spells and magic won’t get you that far — it all really comes down to practical skills and… Read More