September 24, 2019 + Sabbats and Esbats
Mabon and the Autumn Equinox
Happy Mabon! Today is the pagan sabbat Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, where the days start getting shorter and the nights longer. This is the second harvest, a time to reflect and celebrate before we head into the season of Samhain. Take the time to soak in some sun! This is a good time to take stock of what you need to keep you healthy… Read More

September 23, 2019 + Sabbats and Esbats
Mabon and the Autumn Equinox
Happy Mabon! Today is the pagan sabbat Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, where the days start getting shorter and the nights longer. This is the second harvest, a time to reflect and celebrate before we head into the season of Samhain. Take the time to soak in some sun! This is a good time to take stock of what you need to keep you healthy… Read More