October 15, 2019 + Ritual Work
Tools of the Trade: The Athame
An athame (pronounced A-thayme) is a ceremonial knife, usually associated with the element of fire. It’s used to direct energy; a lot of people use it to cast a circle for ritual. They tend to be black and double-edged, but as with everything in your choice of tools your own preference is an important factor. Here, we’re showing you an athame made out of… Read More

October 8, 2019 + Ritual Work
Show Us Your Wands
Show us your wands! A wand is one of the most important tools for a wiccan or pagan ritualist. Despite the fact that there’s some argument over which element it represents and how it’s used, you may find yourself wanting a particular one (or two). Do you use yours to direct energy for a particular purpose, or do you use it to summon the… Read More

October 1, 2019 + Ritual Work
Tool Time: The Altar
One of the first things a new wiccan/witch/pagan will do is set up an altar (or several!). An altar is a sacred space you create with a varying range of items that helps you focus on your spirituality. People create meditation altars, altars to specific gods and goddesses, or altars for daily devotionals. Unless you’re following a specific path or system that dictates what… Read More