About Us

Raven in a World Tree is Daniel Blackthorn and Sue Landsman. We both have a fondness for ravens, and the world tree was an important part of how we met. When we started to think about names for a business, that rolled off the tongue.
We each have our own spiritual practices, rituals, and favorite ways of connecting with the universe, but we share the challenge of finding the time and energy to do all these things as often as we feel we need to — which sometimes is any time at all!
We also share a fondness for simplicity, clarity, and minimalism. We started to get excited when we talked about ways we could streamline our lives and help other people make their spiritual practice more doable. There’s so many books and methodologies and web sites and ideas, that something as simple as trying to live by the Wheel of the Year can seem impossibly complicated and unachievable. Neither of thinks it has to be like that though, and started thinking about how to bring the Old Ways of nature into the modern age in a simple, but respectful manner.
And so Raven in a World Tree was born. We hope you have a good time following us this year as we try some new things in our own lives and share them with you.